Cottoned. Chapter 05 // 09.11.2020

Forming Light "Light takes on many forms. It can mean different things to different people. A source for life. Death. Weight. A metaphor for heaven. Happiness. Blinding. Sight. Recently, when I go to a restaurant or cafe, I notice their light. The colour of it and how it makes me feel comforted. Without light we cannot see but when there is too much light we are blinded." - written on 21.12.19 Inside the darkness, a blinding light appeared filling the emptiness with warmth. #3 Sick of all these thoughts running wild in my head. Drowning from these thoughts I should have said. 010119 sometimes I feel like a puzzle piece that is missing a place to fit. 090320 when the night creeps in and the moon rises the loneliness awakens and desperately crawls into me 090420 learning to grow away from each other is hard when our roots are firmly intertwined. 091120 why must it be you? the you, I see isn't true if it were meant to be would we still rue? time i...