CONTAGION.// 27.03.2020


the communication of disease from one person or organism to another by close contact.
As 2020 began, we came into contact with a virus known as the coronavirus. The pandemic started from a city in China called Wuhan and has now spread over the world causing everyone to stay under quarantine. We as humans have lost our freedom to roam the streets because the virus is spread when we touch surfaces of things it is present in and is active for different periods of time depending on the type of surface, for example, it is active on our hands for 5-10 minutes. 
I, personally, have taken a lot of measures to prevent catching the virus even before the virus was confirmed in India. I made sure to regularly wash my hands whenever I went to a new place, wear a mask, frequently used my hand-sanitizer and also made sure my friends did the same. I've always been cautious of what kind of infections we can receive from what we touch when we're out of our homes and in a crowd. The rumours and spread of the virus made me even warier than ever before and as long as I had to go to college, it kind of made me paranoid because we don't know who has it and we can't see this virus because it is microbial. 
As soon as our college announced the lockdown period, I was beyond thrilled to have a holiday because this semester seemed to have been moving way too fast. Now. It's been 3 weeks since I've been to college and luckily I live in an apartment with a huge compound and a grocery store inside the gates, so I don't really need to step outside. 
Most people around the globe seem to be taking precautions however there are some who still don't quite understand the severity of the virus and aimlessly wander the streets being unaware that they could very well be carriers of the virus or test for positive. 
In recent news from China, even those who have recovered when tested again seem to test for positive and other news channels say that this situation might go on for 6 more months. I don't really know how to feel about this. It all just seems like an episode from 'black mirror' or a zombie movie. 
A few nights ago, I watched a movie called 'Contagion'. Besides having an amazing cast, there were so many lines and scenes from the movie that seemed like the world we're living in now. The movie was released in 2011 and the coincidences from that movie really creeped me out. People were asked to quarantine themselves, the virus started from bats which then affected pigs and the virus was spread through surface touching. The coronavirus may have existed for a while now but how did the virus become so active? So many questions run through my head but I try to avoid them so that I wouldn't have a panic attack. 
These days I go out for a short while to receive some sunlight for Vitamin D even though I'm already low on it. They say we have to boost our immunity and be healthy. 
In 2018, after graduating from high school, I decided to take a gap year to improve my mental state and also for social distancing. Little did I know I was training for this moment. However, in the here and now, I don't know if I will be able to continue this social distance. I miss my friends terribly and we're all separated in different states now. At night my thoughts keep me up because I keep imagining and thinking of the worst. 
There is something which I fear more than spiders in this world and it is the feeling of being trapped. Even during my gap year, when I would go out to buy things, I would look out at the view and stare at the buildings and the sky and feel like I was trapped and stuck in this place forever. Although after, I did go for an internship in Vietnam and that made me feel free and like I could breathe again. Now, I feel like there is an invisible weight making me feel unsteady.

Whoever is reading this, I hope you're doing well and stay safe 🤍 Sending love from this end of the screen to yours 😊 Please wash your hands and maintain social distancing as much as you can ✊🤍 


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