The Power of Thinking// 30.08.2020

The power of our thoughts can be equally astonishing and dangerous. Our thoughts are so vast, we have many cognitive processes and the environment also plays an important role in influencing our thoughts. 

There are 14 qualities we possess which makes up our mind power and the power of thinking. These 14 qualities can be enhanced to level up our thinking. There are also things which we need to avoid.

1. Concentration

Concentration is an ability which we all require in our daily lives. Since we live in such hurried lives, we as humans may have a tendency of not being able to concentrate on only one thing. There are so many things that run through our mind, as students, it may be school/college work, assignments and lessons, besides these we also think of our interests thus we can't set our minds on one thing. 
We can, however, improve our concentration and there are also hindrances we should avoid. 

a. Taking breaks
b. Meditation
c. Solving puzzles or word search
d. Food intake also plays an important role in our cognition. 
e. Music

a. Social media
b. Environment
c. Bad sleeping habits
d. Untreated Mental Health
e. Music

To enhance our concentration we need to exercise the brain in different ways as mentioned above, playing word search or crosswords give our brain a healthy exercise in thinking. We also need to take care of it by having a proper sleep schedule and there are also a lot of people who are still slowly becoming aware of mental health. This can cause a hindrance in concentration because they aren't aware of their own mental health which is why they may be having a problem on focusing on just one thing as they would rather keep their mind busy and entertained. 
Social media makes people scrolling zombies. We find one thing which entertains us and that one post or video can lead to more and more keeping us distracted from the work at hand.
Music can be considered as both an enhancer and hindrance because people who are musically inclined tend to work better and focus more when there is music playing in the background. However, other people get distracted and perform worse when there is music playing. 

2. Thinking Analysis

Thinking analysis is the ability we have breakdown pieces of information and basing our judgment by carefully and critically analyse the information given to make decisions. 

a. Reading
b. Podcasts
c. Brain Exercising Games
d. Observation
e. Reflection

a. Assumptions
b. Egocentric Thinking
c. Conformity
d. Ignorance
e. Manipulation

Quoting William Faulkner, "Read, read, read." Reading is so important in enhancing our ability to think. There are so many genres available and we tend to learn or see a new perspective through reading. Podcasts are also very important and we can learn so much from other people by simply listening. Observation gives us a new perspective and it helps bring alight things that we may have been unaware of before. It is also extremely important to reflect back on your day or maybe even situations/events which occur in your life. Reflection gives insight into the information you may have missed during the events of your day or a certain event that changed your life drastically. 

3. Reasoning Power

Reasoning power is of great importance because we need it for careful evaluation and validity. 

a. Debate
b. Exercise
c. Reading
d. Discussions
e. Questioning

a. Emotions
b. Having only one mindset
c. Conformity
d. Egocentrism
e. Environment

The enhancers mentioned above are all equally very important to improve our reasoning power. Debates, discussions and questioning makes us think, research and further broaden our minds. It brings in new information and we can compare that information with the knowledge we have already attained.
Emotions may inflict our thoughts away from validity and this causes us to make poor decisions. As humans, we sometimes have the tendency to conform. We think that another person's idea may be much more reasonable than our own and have the tendency to conform with the majority who agree to that certain idea even though that idea may not be ideal. 

4. Mental Maturity 

Mental maturity is the ability to think reasonably and appropriately in harsh situations that may arise. 

a. Learning from mistakes
b. Reading
c. Inquiry
d. Observation
e. Listening to other perspectives

a. Egocentrism 
b. Conformity
c. Not challenging thoughts
d. Assumptions
e. Labels

To attain mental maturity, it is very important to learn from the mistakes you make instead moping around about it. Mistakes give insight into your decision-making skills and it is better to treat them as lessons rather than ignoring them, even though it may be difficult to move past them. Having an inquiring mind is of utter importance, it helps in keeping an open mind and we can keep in consideration of the different perspectives of others. 

5. Adjustment Thinking 

Adjustment thinking is the ability to be able to think quickly on our feet when we are met with sudden discrepancies in life. 

a. Meditation
b. Observation
c. Understanding your environment
d. Adaptability
e. Quick Processing

a. Conformity
b. Being single-minded
c. Overthinking
d. Not inquiring
e. Assumptions

6. Insight

Insight is the ability to have an inward and deeper understanding of ourselves and other people around us. 

a. Writing journals
b. Reflection
c. Considering other's perspectives
d. Exercises e. Challenge Thoughts

a. Dwelling in the pool of negative thoughts
b. Bad sleeping habits
c. Having an ignorant certainty
d. Egocentrism
e. Bad environment

7. Mental Responsibilities

Mental responsibilities are the abilities to make full use of our mental capabilities and personal responsibilities. 

a. Learning from past experiences
b. Owning up to your mistakes
c. Reflection
d. Having an inquiring mind
e. Meditation

a. Procrastination
b. Egocentrism
c. Conforming 
d. Overthinking
e. Not having the ability to move forward from situations

8. Original Thinking

Originality is something to be questioned because everyone thinks of the same thing but in a different way. It is more important to express yourselves in the way you want to rather than going with the flow of others. 

a. Being able to express ideas 
b. Observation
c. Being in nature
d. Taking time away from social media
e. Learning more cultures 

a. Conformity
b. Other's perspectives
c. Having a single mindset
d. Not challenging ideas/thoughts
e. Having ignorant certainties

9. Thought Exchange 

Thought exchange is when a person is able to communicate their thoughts, perspectives and ideas through the 5 senses and also gain importance through communication.

a. Debates
b. Podcasts
c. Reading 
d. Discussions
e. Listening to other's perspectives

a. Assumptions
b. Egocentrism 
c. Conformity
d. Not observing the environment around
e. Not challenging your thoughts

10. The Unconscious

The unconscious is a part of ourselves which we are not aware of. We may act out in certain ways without completely being aware of the reasons why. 

a. Journals
b. Self Reflection
c. Dream Interpretations
d. Self Observation
e. Having an outside perspective

a. Egocentrism 
b. Not exploring ideas, feelings and thoughts
c. Single-mindedness
d. Ignorant Certainty
e. Keeping yourself too busy

11. Clear Thinking

Clear thinking is the ability to express ideas clearly straightforwardly and simply. 

a. Organising thoughts
b. Understanding the situation
c. Reflection
d. Open-mindedness
e. Observation

a. Not being able to accept change
b. Not having a clear judgment or belief
c. Overthinking
d. Conformity
e. Egocentrism

12. Emotional Maturity

Emotional maturity is the ability to handle situations yourself without the need to blame another person and can manage their emotions no matter the situation. 

a. Reflection
b. Keeping different perspectives in mind
c. Owning your mistakes and knowing when to apologise
d. Self-aware
e. Compassion

a. It may be hard to control emotions
b. Living passively
c. Overthinking
d. Ignorance
e. Not inquiring things

13. Learning Abilities

Learning abilities is when you can apply the knowledge you attain in daily life or eventful situations. 

a. Brain exercise games
b. Conversation
c. Reading
d. Open-mindedness
e. Reflection

a. Ignorance
b. Egocentrism
c. Not knowing where to apply the knowledge learnt
d. Not being able to adapt 
e. Not observing surroundings

14. Mind Animation

Mind animation is the ability to communicate your thought processes and ideas thoroughly.

a. Brain exercise games
b. Conversation
c. Having a schedule planned
d. Reflection
e. Going over the minumal requirements

a. Mental laziness
b. Ignorance
c. Having a poor attitude
d. Egocentrism
e. Not learning about other cultures

The 14 qualities have similar enhancers and hindrances because in a way they all are all connected and rely on each other for improvement. Egocentrism plays an important role in hindrance because if we do not open our minds and consider other people opinions and perspectives we may not completely see the bigger picture. 


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