Thoughts On // 08.08.2020

Trigger Warning: ABORTION.

These are my personal opinions on the topic, I am in no way saying that abortion has only one choice. It is completely up to the perspective and choices of the person in question.  

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? 

When talking about abortion, people are either pro-life, pro-choice or are stuck in the in-between. Personally, I am pro-choice and the post may seem a little biased but I will try to consider both sides before concluding. According to the article (attached at the end of the post), there are many viewpoints in terms of abortion. It is an endless debate with no right answer. 

The Perspective of Pro-Life.

Usually, those who fall under this category think that discarding of the foetus is wrong because it is a human being and has developed life. There is no such way of knowing whether or not the foetus wants to be discarded or to continue to live. They think that the foetus is innocent and defenceless. 

It is also believed that by carrying on with abortion it means legalising killing. People who agree to pro-life also think about how a potential human being has rights. The rights to life and have a future like ours which is why they consider abortion to be wrong. 
Some of those who are pro-life also view abortion from a feminist perspective. They argue with how it goes against feminist principles and society is ignoring the fact that they are focusing on the smaller issues rather than the bigger ones, for example, when a woman is raped and become pregnant, society only chooses to focus on the part about the woman being pregnant while ignoring the fact that she was raped and completely omitting the problem at hand. 

I do understand to a certain extent that killing an innocent human being is morally considered to be wrong and also because the foetus is developed enough to feel pain by the 18th week of pregnancy. 

The Perspective of Pro-Choice 

There are many arguments which are in favour of abortion. Some people argue it is not morally wrong to end the life of an innocent person. This carrying out the idea of the needs of the many versus the needs of the few. Sometimes the woman who is carrying the foetus is recommended or considers abortion because of medical situations that may arise during pregnancy. Sometimes pregnancy in itself is not planned and the woman may not be ready to be a mother as yet or even have certain needs you require when having to take care of a child. 

People with a pro-choice perspective have moral rights to decide the fate of the foetus' future and hers as well. They also think about how the pregnant woman has rights for her own body and can do what she wants to. 

Going into a woman's rights approach, there are those who believe that abortion gives rights to woman as it is the woman who is more affected than the man. They consider this as liberating and having the same freedom as men. 

Personal Thoughts

There are many people in the world who are uncomfortable with even having a conversation about abortion because there are so many factors which are taken into for the debate. As I mentioned before, the argument about abortion is endless. The two perspectives have incredible explanations on why and why not to go through with an abortion. 

Abortion affects the woman not only physically but also mentally and sometimes spiritually. The guilt of having to end the life of a newly created human being who may have had so much potential and things to offer to the world. However, there are situations where if a child is born and the parent/s do not have sufficient requirements that are needed to provide the child then it may lead to the child being taken away. Separating both parent/s and child from each other. There are also situations wherein the child is left in a foster care system and there are also some cases where children are just left in strange places by themselves. By not giving a person the option to consider abortion, it is just bringing misery and pain into the child's life from a young age. 

The world is a harsh and cold place where if you leave a child alone by themselves they can go wayward and when talking about how the foetus may have a "future like ours", it really isn't that great. We as human beings have to go through an endless struggle in life, working non-stop just so that we can have food on our table at the end of the day. 

Going to the fact about how some woman may not be ready to be a mother yet, it is understandable that they may learn more about motherhood as the child progresses to grow. However, not all woman turn out as mother's to children and sometimes end up blaming the child for the wreckage in their life. 

When talking about basic human rights and how even the foetus has rights in life. Why is it that there are still age restrictions? The most simple example would be drinking or even driving. As we grow, we still have to reach a certain age to become legalized and in a way that is also taking away our rights. We need to reach the age of 18 to have to the right to vote and the age of 21 to legally drink. This is the control that the society has over us and by saying that a foetus has rights, does that not mean children of all ages also should have the same rights as an adult? Even in schools or colleges, we still need permission from parents when the school or college has a trip planned. This also brings out the argument with a woman's rights towards her body. 

I do agree to some variables which are brought out by those with pro-life perspective, however, women should have rights over their own bodies. A woman should be free to do what she can and can't do to her body, even if she decides to have an abortion. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, children still need permission from their parents to do certain things, which is why I think it is okay for the woman decides what to do with the foetus. 

However, in some countries, there are situations where a couple considers to abort a girl child. People should have the choice to abort however I disagree when it is solely based on gender. 


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