The Logic of The Idea of India
Based On
A Conversation between Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Romila Thapur
The main purpose of this article is to explore the conversation between Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Romila Thapar to question and analyze what the exact idea of India is. Through reading their conversation they first take a historical approach and talk about how India has changed and the main events which had taken place to make such changes. The speakers take us back to the 1920s to the movement which Gandhi was trying to spread and then further exploring the different ideas of India.
Through the conversation of Spivak and Thapar we can understand the everchanging ideas in society. The main highlight being how ideas of a particular thing can be different but in reference to the article, how the ideas of India are different. The way people think is always different and thus we have our own opinions depending on the subject. The two women talk about how the ideas of India differ through time, stories and even through countries. In the eyes of the British, the idea of India is in the subject of territory and how they had conquered this land.
The key concepts which are needed to be understood in the article are how ideas in a society consistently change, how throughout their life they witnessed changes and new societies are brought to light because of changing ideas. Spivak and Thapar talk about how even in occupations such as historians, philosophers and literary people were not that common and were seen as subjects lower than the others but soon grew into something bigger.
Societies continue to grow and through the conversation between Spivak and Thapar we see how the world they were growing up in changed with each event that occurred and how everything has an important role in life such as languages. They talk about economic growth and how it would end poverty but also how there are new areas in economic growth but depending on the country we as people tend to judge what country is developed and which is not without actually living in it. They emphasize on the meaning of development and how we don't exactly question what development means. This further going into the topic of bilingualism and how this has an important effect on growth. To be very honest, learning languages brings out culture and we can acknowledge and respect different cultures.
The main points of view presented in this article are how society changes with every event and growth or fall they experience and we tend to different ideas and things which are culturally appropriate. Taking in their line of reasonings they place such importance in economic growth with keeping in mind all the historical things which have happened. If we fail to place preserve languages and cultures as we develop it would have no meaning. The idea of India is that we are culturally diverse and we are failing to keep other cultures alive because there are those who only want one language and one culture to talk over but that is not the way we should go about.
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